My personal wellspring of creativity simply comes from relaxation. This can involve a bunch of different things. I relax by reading comics, watching movies, laying around and watching TV, etc. If I am properly relaxed and comfortable I have an infinitely easier time being creative. Of course, doing this can sometimes lead to trouble when I'm asked to be creative on a deadline. Most of the time, however, it all works out just fine. For my project, I decided to re-attempt a project that I had done a couple years ago for a class where my creative process did get the better of me. This was for the N110 class. I have no idea what it's called now, but it mostly consisted of Adobe Illustrator. I found a project from the class on my jump drive that I hadn't really completed. I don't remember why I chose this, but what I did was draw over a photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger from Terminator 2. Here is the untouched picture.
When I found the file, I had only a few minor details done. Since we were talking about old projects that we don't think turned out very well, I thought that I would "finish" it. I'm still not sure if it's where I want it but it's definitely much closer than it was. Here is the final version.
This is definitely memorable for me. It was good to go back to this project and look at it in a different light. I'm honestly not any better at illustrator than I was, but I think that my perspective has changed a little over the course of the last couple years.
That's about enough of that. For this course, I have also had a project that I didn't think went as well as it could. I think that my breaking the rules assignment could have been a lot better than it was. All I did was mess with script formatting and turn it in. The reason I did this was due to time. I think that is the biggest challenge with this course. I always want to do something more ambitious than I can get done in a reasonable amount of time or I wait to long to think of what to do. If I wait to long, I'm constantly rushing to get something done and it never turns out as good as I want it to. If I were able to reattempt this project, I would change everything about it. I would have a completely different concept and put some more effort into it. Off the top of my head, I would choose a rule that could have more done with it. I would probably choose a rule that I consider silly and film something with me breaking it. I think I was way too self-conscious at the beginning of the semester which also led to me thinking a lot of my ideas were "stupid". This has mostly gone away at this point. Regardless, it would have more put into it than that project did.
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