Monday, January 31, 2011

Class Response - 1/24/2011

I had a really good time in class this week. I thought that the class had some fairly interesting ideas for the egg project. Beth began the class by proving a point to the class. She basically showed us that we are in control of the class and that she won't tell us what to do. This was an interesting concept to me because no other professor I have had behaves this way. It's very freeing to have a professor that has such a loose teaching style. We also had quite a large discussion on rules. A rule that kept me from doing what I wanted to do when I was younger was my curfew. On multiple occasions, I had to go home before I wanted to. This was usually not a problem, but if the clock hit 1:00 am, I was supposed to go home. When hanging out with friends that didn't have curfews, it was especially embarrassing. If I would have stayed out and disregarded my curfew, which I did a few times, I would have gotten in trouble. I was fine with this rule my first couple years of high school, but it mainly embarrassed me towards the end. That's when I thought I was old enough to stay out as long as I want and do whatever I want. I'm glad I followed this rule when looking back on it. I believe it helped to keep me in line.

What Do You See?

For my assignment, I chose the phrase, "a pokey walker." This intrigued me because I had no idea what a pokey walker was. The first thing that came to mind was an old person's walker covered in barb wire. I didn't know where to go with that, so I then thought of Walker Texas Ranger. I gave him some weapons in Photoshop and turned him into a pokey walker.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Attack of Eggimus Maximus!

It was a day like any other. The comic books were nestled safely in their boxes and everything was right with the world.

That is, until the incredibly evil Eggimus Maximus arrived!

Eggimus was dead set on claiming the comic books as his own. Luckily, a rag-tag group of heroes and the Batman gathered together to oppose this vile villain.

The heroes quickly surrounded Eggimus, hoping to take him out quickly and effortlessly.

Their hopes were promptly dashed when Eggimus Maximus hurled Indiana Jones and Chewbacca to their deaths!

This outraged Jonathan Frakes and the Doctor. Watching their friends fall to their demise made them want to destroy the repugnant egg creature only that much more! But, alas, Jonathan Frakes is just an actor. Eggimus tossed him off of the fortress of comics with ease.

Now it was the Doctor's turn. With his superior intellect, the Doctor was able to distract Eggimus by explaining how he manages to travel through time in a flying phone booth. The logic behind the Doctor's technology is enough to baffle even a talking egg.

The distraction proved to be a success and allowed Batman enough time to sneak up behind Eggimus!

The wicked wrongdoer was caught by surprise when Batman lifted him over his head. Luckily, Batman remembered to pack his collapsible over-sized bat-cup in his trusty utility belt!

Batman then proceeded to crack the crook in the cup! The Doctor normally hates violence, but he decided to let this one slide.

Eggimus was defeated once and for all. Batman and the Doctor stared at what was left behind of the terror that caused them so much trouble. Many were lost, but they won't be forgotten.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Class Response - 1/10/11

This is probably the first time that I've ever went in completely blind to a class. I had no idea what this class was about. I had heard that it was fun, creative and interesting, but little to nothing regarding anything specific. When I entered, however, I knew that I was in for something a little different. The first thing I saw was a room full of chairs that looked like they were straight out of Star Trek. After a few failed of attempts at taking the helm, I figured out how to sit down. From there, the most interesting first day of a college class was underway. I spent a long time trying to think of something interesting from my childhood. I think that is something that I need to think about more often. I have many fond memories from my childhood, at least I thought I did, but when I was asked to think of something I blanked. The only thing I could remember was playing with action figures and flipping through comic books. Compared to many of the other stories, mine was so mundane. After that, the "what is art" conversation was had. This has always been something that I don't know what to think about. My opinion on it varies depending what mood I'm in. Something can be complete shit one day, and then after looking at it again, I think it is art. Then, when watching the MUTO video, I kept thinking about how long that must have taken. Instead of admiring the unique nature of the video, I just thought about how much of a pain it must have been. I think that just comes from me being afraid to undertake something that requires a huge commitment. That is one of the first things that I feel I have to get over in order to do some truly great work. I really enjoyed the first day of class, and if this is a good indication of how class will function, I can't wait to go back.

Class Expectations

I am not really sure what to expect from this class and this is the only class that I have been comfortable with that feeling. Normally I am stressed out about what exactly is going to happen in class and the amount of work that goes along with it, but for this class, I am more intrigued than anything else. I expect that we will do some zany things along the way, but it seems that I am also going to learn what goes into creativity and how to better express mine. I am expecting a fun and relaxed atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable to venture out of their comfort zones to do something different. Interesting class discussions and making new friends would also be nice. I expect to get a lot out of this class, even though I'm still not sure what it is really all about. In this class, however, I don't think that is a bad thing.